ECHO ART FOUNDATION is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide support and advocacy for contemporary artistic projects without imposing hierarchies based on artistic trends, forms of expression, or ideological orientations.

The organization comprises associates, directors, and founding members with diverse expertise spanning education, culture, science, institutional strengthening, cooperation for information development, and environmental protection. Our foundation also actively encourages volunteering and fosters artistic creations, whether individual, collaborative, or addressing social issues that are at risk of exclusion.

These endeavors encompass various themes, including emigration, race, and gender, and they emphasize expressions of resilience and the methods for constructing, fortifying, and expanding one’s unique artistic universe.

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Echo Art Foundation is dedicated to fostering human growth through art, no matter where it takes place around the globe. We support emerging art collectors, designers, and related practices, as well as curatorial projects, music, film, architecture, theater, research, sustainability, and everyday life initiatives. Our mission is to champion diverse and innovative perspectives that enrich our understanding of existence.